Bastard Children of the Army
Next time you're stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, imagine someone on the crowded street wants you dead.
Calibrated to Infinity
Night vision goggles strip away depth perception, rendering reality in two dimensions.
As we talked, he revealed a beautiful smile. His eyes, not covered by sunglasses like the captain’s, were dark green. I was infatuated.
A Choir of Crickets
Make it stop, I thought. Please make it stop. But that made no difference.
The Soul of Old Glory
It’s a matter of the flag being the symbol of a people conjoined in harmony. It doesn’t belong to a party or group or a president, but a people united under shared principles.
One More Betrayal
You pressed your head hard against my chest the way you always did when night terrors woke me.
Flying Through Water
You don’t forget a leader like Bill Searfus. And whenever I inspect tie-down chains, I see him vividly. That image of him wildly dancing.
The Night We Go Home
Every one of us stood rigid with a fixed salute, never taking our eyes off the truck. Our brothers.
First, Unbecoming
I had no other option than to be 'fine.' I knew he was right. But that didn’t give him the right to say it to me.
The Question, The Answer
“Would you rather be pregnant alone or have the baby alone?” Ryan asks. I dig my pale white toes next to his in the sand.